Thursday, January 22, 2009

now there's an award for voters, too

Don is a darling. He knows how important an award can be. Of course, Don has already won lots of awards for copywriting. Last year, he even won a Newkie! So he doesn't need an award called a Shorty. But he is proud that I was nominated for one. And that his best copywriter (who's a gal!) was nominated too. I'm up for an award in entertainment (because of my dinner parties.) Peggy is up for one in (what else) advertising. Our gloved fingers are crossed! 

And because Don is always on the lookout for good creatives, he's running a creative contest for people who vote! Cast your vote for Peggy and/or me and the wording he thinks is most creative for each will win a good-as-gold-plated Sterling Cooper Creative Award! He's even gotten a client to sponsor prizes (which is more than the Shorty founders have done!) Most Creative Voter for Peggy will win a night on the town with the Sterling Cooper Gang at the Tom Tom*. Most Creative Voter for Betty will win a shopping trip in NY with...yours truly!*

If you've already voted and want to make yours more creative, that's ok! Simply vote again! Your official Shorty vote is the last one you send in each category.

So sharpen your pencil and put on your thinking cap and put in a vote. Vote for Peggy here and Betty here. Just finish the sentence. But brainstorm quickly! The Shorty Award voting ends at midnight tomorrow! The Sterling Cooper Voter Award will be announced next week!

*all prizes and time travel simulated in twitterspace

Lucky Strike "It's Toasted" is the Official Sponsor of Sterling Cooper Award for Creative Voters--May Your Strike Be the Lucky One!