When I was a little girl, we called it Decoration Day. It was the day for decorating graves of people who had died in the Great War. Daddy used to get us up early to go visit soldiers' graves. He'd give us little American flags and we'd place a flag on each headstone. There was always a parade later. Everyone wore poppies in their buttonholes. One year, William got to be a marching drummer in it. He wore a gold satin shirt, blue trousers and a blue tam with a gold tassel. Oh, I was jealous!
Monday, May 25, 2009
memories of memorial day
When I was a little girl, we called it Decoration Day. It was the day for decorating graves of people who had died in the Great War. Daddy used to get us up early to go visit soldiers' graves. He'd give us little American flags and we'd place a flag on each headstone. There was always a parade later. Everyone wore poppies in their buttonholes. One year, William got to be a marching drummer in it. He wore a gold satin shirt, blue trousers and a blue tam with a gold tassel. Oh, I was jealous!